Monday, July 21, 2008

BugId 1

Shit! Did I write all these test cases?? What was I thinking last week during the test-case-writing phase.

Hmm...Maybe I wanted to outdo the previous test cases, prove to my manager I can survive this industry even though I'm a newbie.
Yes, that's what I am....just a month-old in the company and proving I'm worth the .....K they are paying me.

I never thought I could be good this catching bugs (maybe all those years of finding-six-differences-between-pictures in the sunday newspapers wasn't a worthless time-pass afterall) until I started finding faults everyone.
Not that I'm a bitch or something to others--like my great-aunt who always found some fault jewellery/dress during weddings or my cousin who always commented that my eyebrows are not in perfect arch (guess, she would shine in the qa industry).

Until I started working, I didn't know that a sector called Quality Assurance existed. And I assure you I feel pretty important these days...catching bugs is not everyone cup of tea and proving it is really really abug is not a piece of cake either!

So here I am staring at my inbox and wondering soooo many testcases and the deadline is a ....month away..when didnt I notice the finish date earlier! Thank god, I can enjoy the summer!
Next time someone assings me testcases, I know what to do--the smaller the better!

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